AgSpeak – Spring 2018

AgSpeak – Spring 2018

VAL-CO designs and manufactures our equipment to assure that quality is built in. This is our top priority. In this and in previous editions of AgSpeak, read about the results you can experience in your barn with our world-renowned watering systems, our rugged feed systems, and our top-performing ventilation and control systems. But we also take pride in bringing advances in technology to agriculture.

As in other industries, being connected to relevant information becomes more important with each passing year. With more demands on our time and the increasing need to be in more than one place at any given time, remote access can help us conduct our business from anywhere. Connectivity gives us the ability to physically be in one place, but virtually in another. The ability to be virtually present in our barns and production facilities to remotely monitor and manage pays big dividends in today’s world.

Over the next few years, you will see more VAL-CO products with the built-in ability to connect with you wherever you may be. Use of this technology to monitor and maintain optimal conditions in livestock facilities, whether someone is present or not, will lead to improved animal performance and welfare.

But being constantly connected is a double-edges sword. We are all familiar with how constant access to information and our business activities can begin to feel like more of a burden than a benefit. Looking even further ahead, the next step beyond connectivity will be expert systems that can maintain optimal conditions without our 24/7 involvement – because we all have something on which to spend our time that is even more important than our business.


Phil Risser
President & CEO
Valco Companies, Inc.


Download: AgSpeak – Spring 2018