This form must be filled out before a drinker RMA is requested.

**Drinker Evaluations are usually completed within 10 business days of receipt of product at our bio-secure facility**

    Required Dealer Info.

    Contact Name (required):

    Contact Number

    Contact Email (required):

    Grower name

    Dealer name

    Required Farm Info

    Bird Type

    Bird Age (weeks) Water Supply PSI Filter Micron size

    Water Type WellCityGravity/Reservoir

    Floor Conditions Sloppy/WetCakedDivots/PancakesDry/Dusty

    Medications/Additives Used in water

    Required Drinker information

    Quantity (min. 6 drinkers per barn packed separately)

    Part Number

    Standpipe Height (inches)

    Order or Invoice # (required)

    Drinker Age*

    Reason for return (select all that apply)
    Low FlowHigh FlowIrregular FlowLeaking/DrippingNo FlowStickingActivation Force (high/low)High Early MortalityHigh Late Mortality

    Additional comments:

    Completed submissions will be reviewed and an RMA # assigned in 1-2 business days. Once you receive the RMA # from us, please follow the instructions to mail the drinkers into our bio-secure testing lab.
    *Missing information will delay or prevent the issuing of an RMA #. We really need to know the drinker age, so please give us an invoice number or drinker age in the next box.
    **Drinkers received without an RMA # will not be tested and may be discarded as per our Biosecurity Policy.